Ain’t no wadding in this pond
it’ll only get your shoes wet
only by diving in head-first
will the battle finally be met
The time of dialogue is long past
his words fall flat on the floor
the Dictator-n-Training must be stopped
Patriots brace for the impending war
We need an American victory
put Progressive Imperialist to bed
they’ll dream of what might have been
as concepts of freedom pound their head
By re-establishing Congressional authority
we’ll bring an end to Imperial Decree
as Voters will now demand the truth
our Democracy for the World to see
…and what with his lies and deception
while they voted the color of his skin
apparently many of the Voters
don’t know who he’s always been
Were they ever allowed to know the truth
hidden by propaganda and programmed distortions
would they then vote as well-informed Citizens
yielding a distribution of proper proportions
The Democrats seem to only care
where they can win the vote
get Citizens mark in November
next month just another dope
Don’t waste your vote
don’t be that Dope
for upon your mark
lies our Nation’s hope
© Sailor February 07, 2014 ~ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Revised: August 5, 2014
“Following a Thread of Truth”
So, if I am to understand correctly
as subjective as that may seem to be
a major change is on the horizon
who’s time is not for us to see
Of the many groups populating the Earth
different opinions are bound to erupt
thinking what we think we know
most governments are corrupt
There is this need most seem to have
an overwhelming desire to be first
not only with task accomplished
but for knowledge of the future we thirst
They say the rapture will happen
I have been searching for the truth
To understand existence
and find the fountain of youth
With knowledge of the beginning
a simple fact persists
the birth (Big Bang) of the Universe
actually proves that God exists
May 5, 2011 © Sailor All Rights Reserved
Revised May 26, 2011 re-revised June 2, 2012
Follow @apoetsailor