Getting up in the morning
no longer the pain
it was
Living in the city
always ruining
so I moved
Mornings are Comfortable
as beautiful
as it can get
Winter no longer a worry
beating on the window
Safe in my backyard
experiencing life
warm again
© Sailor
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About Sailor
Yup, it's me! The author of all you read here (except for the comments of course).
Having been asked to write a short article for "About Yourself", I was forced to labor (for a moment-or-two), upon what eloquent words I might use to explain myself. ................................................................................................................
This simple thought process yielded an even simpler solution. You need but read the words I have published here. All the writings (except for the Comments), are copyrighted ©, the moment the "post" is digitized and made available to the world (WWW) by the servers at namecheap, the best Hosting service you'll ever need.
Please read: "Proprietary Rights". .............................................................................................................
Now, to continue with "About Me".
I am sure you will find a few of my views embedded within my poems, and, if I would quit procrastinating, within the chapters of my future novels. ..............................................................................................................
I would ask you all to subscribe to "RANDOM THOUGHTS"