Have we lost our ability to think?
Conservationist say:
“The light bulb over your heads stink.”
Now we are left with our Dairy Queen® squiggle,
The Environmentalist say:
“…this will surly make them (us) wiggle.”
I say there’s less light, hurting our valuable sight,
China’s manufacturers say:
“Our environmentally safe lamps illuminate the night.”
I’m sorry, just a small problem you see,
So I say:
“The light is all wrong, skin the color of pee.”
The Conservationist, Environmentalist, and the manufacturers too,
All say:
“We do your thinking, you must conform. That’s our message to you.
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The Americans are all set, by ignoring the threat, for they know this Green movement’s a scam.
The ultimate aim, the very large gain, taken by pennies right out of your hand.
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The old ways are dust, the infrastructure turned to rust, the billionaires tuck their money away.
With our silly pride, we’ll all stay quiet and hide, hopping we don’t land in the bay.
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We are up to our gills, with all of the bills, to another tax burden say “Nay”.
Re-evaluate the Nexus, know the politicians create the messes, while taxing us this very day.
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Please give us your vote, please don’t be a dope, the ballot box is where you can say.
And don’t waste my rhyme, with your – “……I haven’t got the time…”, and don’t cry when they take half your pay.
© Sailor All Rights Reserved January 1, 2011 (rev. Jan. 2, 2011)
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