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FREE email news letter, sent randomly so as not to clutter-up your inbox.
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Click the banner above for a “FREE” account with up to 100 mail recipients on your mailing list, and the account continues to be free if you keep your mailing list below a threshold indicated at the site. Give it a try – No credit card required – how much better can it get than FREE?
Yes, I get credit for referring you – a slight reduction in service cost, but listen to me here “No Bull” Say you have 30 or 40 friends that you really want to stay in contact with. But, sending each one an email takes forever – and you don’t want to “SEND ALL” with that list of 40 email addresses in the Header for “all” to see.
An email news letter ends all that hassle. You type one email, uniquely designed to your personal desire, with all the photos and other art work you want. THEN, you execute one “SEND”, and your email is sent to each of your receipients, personalized with their name, location, state, etc., as if you sent it to them personally. No indication of any other recipients. How much easier can it get
AND IT’S FREE – CLICK THE BANNER ABOVE FOR A 100% FREE EMAIL NEWS LETTER. I can almost guarantee you’ll thank me for it.
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